All times of Video Streaming in one place 

  • Embedded Player

Deliver your video content anywhere. Embed videos and stream to your own website or over-the-top (OTT) platforms using the Castr Embedded Player.


  • Multistream.

Boost your views and grow your audience. Broadcast live videos across multiple social media channels and streaming destinations at the same time.


  • OTT Apps

Seamlessly launch and manage your OTT apps with a 5-star streaming experience for your audience

  • Live to VOD

Turn livestreams into on-demand videos (VOD) — so that your viewers can re-watch, pause, skip, rewind, or fast-forward your show however they would like.

  • Pre-Recorded Live

Pre-record your videos and broadcast them as livestreams. Avoid mid-broadcast issues and reach your viewers when they're most active online.

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